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Poker Etiquette: The Unwritten Rules of Casino Tables

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Poker is not just a game of cards and chips; it’s a game of manners and etiquette. Whether you’re a novice entering your first tournament or a seasoned player familiar with the felt, Unwritten Rules of Casino understanding the unwritten rules of poker can greatly enhance the experience at the tables. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the etiquette that governs the decorum of casino poker.

1. Respect the Dealer and Staff

Always treat the dealer and other casino staff with respect. This includes listening to the dealer’s instructions, not blaming them for bad cards or losses, and tipping appropriately, especially after winning a large pot. A polite “thank you” can also go a long way toward creating a pleasant atmosphere.

2. Keep Your Cards and Chips Organized

Part of good poker etiquette involves keeping your play area tidy. Your chips should be stacked in a neat, accessible manner, and your cards should be kept in clear view to avoid any misunderstandings about whether you are still in a hand. This not only helps the game run smoothly but also keeps the action moving without unnecessary delays.

3. Be Mindful of Your Speech

Talking at the poker table can be enjoyable but know when to keep quiet. Avoid discussing a hand while it’s still in progress, Unwritten Rules of Casino especially if you’ve already folded. Commentary can affect other players’ decisions and disrupt the integrity of the game. Additionally, profanity, loud speech, and over-the-top celebrations are considered poor form and can disturb other players.

4. Act in Turn

Always wait for your turn before taking any action. Acting out of turn can give unfair advantages to other players and can alter the outcome of the hand. Whether you plan to fold, check, or raise, patience is a virtue at the poker table. Reacting only when it’s your turn is a fundamental aspect of poker etiquette.

5. Avoid “Splash the Pot”

When betting or raising, always stack your chips neatly in front of you rather than throwing (“splashing”) them into the center of the table. Splashing the pot makes it difficult for the dealer to determine the bet size, which can lead to confusion and delay the game.

6. Handle Cards with Care

Treat the playing cards with respect. Avoid bending, folding, or marking the cards in any way, as this could be seen as cheating. Also, refrain from revealing your cards to anyone while a hand is still in play, as this could unfairly influence the game.

7. Be Gracious in Victory and Defeat

Good sportsmanship is key in poker. Congratulate your opponents on a well-played hand, and avoid gloating after a win. Likewise, if you lose, do so graciously without belittling your opponents or blaming others. How you handle yourself in both victory and defeat says a lot about you as a player.

8. Keep Your Emotions in Check

Poker can be a roller coaster of emotions. Keeping your emotions in check, often referred to as maintaining your “poker face,” is important not just for your gameplay but for maintaining a pleasant table dynamic. Avoid tantrums, verbal attacks, or overly dramatic reactions to the play of the game.

9. Pay Attention

Paying attention is part of good table manners. It keeps the game moving and shows respect to your fellow players. Avoid distractions like phone calls or constantly checking your phone during play. Not only does this slow down the game, but it also can lead you to miss crucial action and opportunities.


Understanding and adhering to poker etiquette makes the game more enjoyable for everyone involved. By respecting these unwritten rules, you contribute to a respectful, competitive, and fun atmosphere at the casino tables. Remember, how you conduct yourself at the table is just as important as the quality of your play.

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